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HarmonyOS – New Features | IoT | Smart Remote

Huawei is one of the biggest phone manufacturing company in the world. The Chinese giant was the biggest US competitor alongside Apple and Samsung. The Huawei device was highly patronized before Huawei started having trouble with the US, on May 15, 2019, united state president Donard Trump, ban the use of smart devices manufactured by Huawei company.

Whan Huawei was banned from the US, the tech giant Huawei was working on their own operating system which is called Harmony OS (Hongmeng OS). The company has been developed their own OS and the operating system was unveiled on August 9, 2019. The harmony operating system was announced by the platform said that it is an embedded  OS for Internet of Thing (IoT) devices.

What is HarmonyOS for Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Huawei consumer business department’s president, Wang Cheblu, further explains that the harmony OS for this new era of the internet of things (IoT). Internet of Thing give smart experience and bring users more app services, creating business opportunity for large number of company.

The harmony OS is aimed at taking complete advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT). Harmony OS was not only designed for smartphones it was also designed for several smart terminal devices such as TVs, wearable smart product, smart homes, automobiles, EV, etc.

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When was Harmony OS (Hongmeng OS) release?

The Harmony OS (Hongmeng OS) was initially released on August 9, 2019, the tech giant explains further it could be used as a mobile operating system in the future.

Huawei released the latest version 1.0 and the Harmony OS was first used in smart TVs that were made by Huawei for the Chinese market.

When was HarmonyOS 2.0 released?

The tech giant Huawei announced the latest version of Harmony OS 2.0 and released it as a beta version which was base on android 10 source code and it was used by selected smart devices made by Huawei.

What are HarmonyOS 2.0 features

The recent Harmony OS 2.0 is a developer beta version that comes with new extra features. The operating system comes with 5.8GB in package size.

HarmonyOS UI

The latest developed Harmony OS 2.0 come with a more advanced user interface. It is easier to see the box shape and the card-box design language, making it more visible to the eyes in multiple areas of the operating system.

HarmonyOS New icons

Huawei has designed new loading icons by making the Harmony OS UI look fresh. There is also a little design made to “more bottom”, in the old version it was a three-dots straight line, the new design is designed with four-dots in a right angle form.

HarmonyOS Secondary Menus

The updated version of HarmonyOS 2.0 from Huawei has developed secondary menus. When a user haste, the user can access settings easily, including Wi-Fi and mobile data.

It is better to access some features easily without many clicks, including the torch option on the menus is extremely useful.

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HarmonyOS blur engine

The blur engine in HarmonyOS make use of the gaussian and real-time blur  within the background in other for it to look nice in the drop down menu bar.

This newly developed features is currently limited to the Huawei Mate 40 and Honor v40 series.

HarmonyOS Message pop-up

The Huawei hamony pop-up window is one of the users favourite features, this is one of the features that comes with harmony OS 2.0.

This feature was develop in the beta version, it allows the user to open a message notification pop up in a mini split screen window. This feature does not disrupt the interface with the running background application and the OS gives you the Edge to resize window.

HarmonyOS Application Cloning

The Huawei harmony operating system 2.o has a built-in feature that allows application cloning.

For a better understanding of application cloning 

A user of a Huawei device or any other device that is allowed to run harmonyOS have two phone numbers. That he or her want to create two different telegram profile, the user can duplicate the telegram app by cloning the application. This feature is design specially for harmony OS and allows users to make use of it without restriction.

HarmonyOS Application Development

Since the HarmonyOS 2.o was released, Huawei has made it open-source so the app developer quickly developed apps for Harmony OS  even when the operating system has the ability to run APK applications.

The exciting thing about harmony OS is that they want their applications to be lighter than android applications and low power construction.

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HarmonyOS Smart Remote

Harmony operating system is making thing better and better with the smart remote you can control light, switch on and off your TV. With harmony smart remote you can control all activities with just a single touch and it automatically enables limitless experience.



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