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What Is Digitalization

Digitalization is the process of changing analog into digital technology by taking analog information and encoding it into zeroes and ones so that computers can store, process, and transmit such information.


What is the process of digitalization?

When it comes to enterprise setting, digitization is important both for dealing with analog information as well as paper-based processes where paper-based is nothing more than a metaphor for analog.

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What are fields of Digitalization?

Digital innovations are created on the basis of new digital technologies. Innovation use cases are driven on the one hand by established companies and on the other by springs-ups and venture capital.

This leads to digitalization of different speeds. Public administration is still usually only accepting paper documents and working with files, markets are changing much faster.

The music and media industries were the first to experience the effects of digitalization. The retail industry followed.


How does digitization impact the economy?

In the process of digitalization determines the future of the economy and society.  From independent driving to existing sharing models and completely new concepts such as the rental of electric motorcycles, digitalization will allow new models of usage in the future.

Digitalization influences the future of the financial business.


What is a digital enterprise?

The digital enterprise is an organization that uses technology as a competitive advantage in its internal and external operations. While information technology has reshaped the infrastructure and operations of enterprises, the digital enterprise has taken on different meanings.

The enterprises have to digitize their internal processes and procedures.

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What are advantages of digitalization of business?

Easy communication

The opening of new communication channels, the digital of business improves internal communication.

Easy communication transferring information from one place, person or group to another. Every communication involves at least one sender, a message and a receiver.

 Improves efficiency and productivity

When used effectively, the digitalization of business can lead to a significant increase in productivity and can reduce some costs. Technology has helped businesses to improve in these areas during the years.

Better choice making

The digitalization of industry makes it possible, as we have seen in the previous sections, to have constant contact with the buyer, and this allows us to get to know him or her better.

Communication with customers

This is a different way to increase sales, support and customer loyalty, but it also entails new responsibilities. And that is why providing service to all these new buyers with communication requires doing things well.




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Digitalization is the process of changing analog into digital technology by taking analog information and encoding it into zeroes and ones so that computers can store, process, and transmit such information.

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