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The Amazing Benefits of Mayurasana Yoga Pose (Peacock Pose)

Do you know? what is Mayurasana, if not then here we have explained in detail what are the amazing benefits and steps of doing Mayurasana.

peacock yoga pose e1615478653705 The Amazing Benefits of Mayurasana Yoga Pose (Peacock Pose)

What is Mayurasana Yoga Pose?

Mayurasana is also known as “Peacock Pose”. Peacock means “peacock” and asana means “posture”. By doing this asana, the shape of the body resembles a peacock, hence its name is Mayurasana. In this asana, the wrist and hands have to be placed in an abnormal position. Hence it is also known as Hasta Mayurasana.

According to the Gherand Samhita, Mayurasana removes toxins from the body and allows the body to digest toxins and metabolize them.

The peacock is indicated by Indian mythology — a symbol of love, immortality, awakening, and spirituality. Mayurasana is a particularly advanced yoga asana, which is also an arm balance yoga posture in hatha yoga. This asana is also mentioned in the Gherand Samhita.

It is the yoga posture of the balance of an intermediate hand in which the entire weight of your body is on the hands, and the body is in the air. It also builds strength safely in the body.

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Health Benefits of Mayurasana Yoga Pose

  • It is also a natural cure for diabetes.
  • It also reduces the symptoms of constipation.
  • It helps in getting rid of tumors and fever.
  • Practicing this asana is more beneficial in healing the digestive system.
  • This yoga asana detoxifies the blood by removing toxins.
  • This yoga tones the stomach muscles and strengthens the spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, and abdominal organs. And also transmits the body system.
  • It also stimulates the Manipur Chakra as the Manipur Chakra is located at the navel, when the elbows are pressed into the navel, the Manipur Chakra becomes active.
  • The practice of this asana improves blood circulation.
  • It increases concentration and improves immunity.
  • It also improves sexual activity.
  • This Yogasan calms the mind and reduces stress.
  • This asana helps strengthen the wrist, shoulder, elbow, and spine.
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Precautions related to Mayurasana Yoga Pose

  1. Mayurasana Mudra or Mayurasana is not recommended for people who have medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart, and hernia.
  2. Women in the perimenopausal phase or even during menopause should avoid the practice of this mudra.
  3. People who have problems with lower back pain should avoid doing this asana.
  4. Overweight and pregnant women should not do this pose. This can lead to complications.
  5. If you feel any pain while doing this asana, then stop the asana and sit comfortably.

If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join a 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India.

Hope after knowing all these benefits, you will never have to say that what is Mayurasana Yoga Pose, and what are the benefits and steps of doing Mayurasana.


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