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How to Strengthen Relationships with Existing Customers

Most business owners constantly look for new ways to attract new customers. Although bringing in more customers is extremely important, it’s not a reason to neglect your existing customers. Just think of it this way 65 percent of a company’s business comes from current customers.

This means you have to put even more time and effort into building strong relationships with current customers. But how exactly do you strengthen bonds with people who buy from you? Listed below are a few strategies you just can’t go wrong with.

Reward customers when they don’t expect it

Most of the time, all it takes to delight your customers and build loyalty is to surprise them. Just think about the last time somebody prepared a surprise for you, it’s probably easier to remember it than its unwelcome counterpart. Just come up with ways to do something nice for your customers and the effect will be the same.

The best part of it is that there are so many milestones in relationships with existing customers and finding a way to reward them when they don’t expect it will be a real piece of cake.

Let’s say a customer bought a blouse from you and a week later they get a scarf that matches it. When executed right, surprises like this can do wonders for your customer relationships.

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Embrace social media

There’s no need to say that social media has taken the world by storm. There are more than 3 billion active social media users out there and the number is only expected to keep growing.

While platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide you with plenty of opportunities to advertise your business, they also help you strengthen relationships with existing customers.

Just by having social media pages and posting interesting content on a regular basis, you ensure customers remember your business and choose you over your competitors.

For best results, make sure you design a social media strategy that’ll make your followers wait for your every post with anticipation. Just take a look at how Taco Bell is winning at social media marketing with its use of humour.

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Market what you believe

Marketing your products can help you attract new customers but marketing what you believe in is what’s going to make existing customers stick around. Nowadays, people prefer buying from companies they share the same set of values and principles with.

Companies, just like people, need to have values and principles they stand for and your company is no exception. Market your beliefs and not only will you foster loyalty but you’ll also build transparency and trust.

Which is something you can never have enough of in the business world. If you’re looking for some inspiration amongst other things, which is exactly what their clients want.

Keep testing new email strategies

Some people believe that email has become outdated and they couldn’t be any more wrong. With more than 3.9 billion active users, email is still one of the best tools you can use to market to new customers and strengthen relationships with the existing ones.

As long as you ask customers who visit your website to sign up using their email address, you’ll have a chance to send them personalized emails and give them a reason to come back.

You can send existing customers anything from news about what’s going on in your company to information about your new products. Keep testing new strategies and keep track of which of them help you connect with current customers the best.

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Start a customer reward program

We already talked about rewarding your customers when they reach a milestone but what about starting a customer reward program? People love getting stuff for free and will keep coming back if there’s a chance for them to get a reward.

Reward programs are quite easy to implement as long as you reward customers with points and offer freebies once they accumulate enough of those points, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

If your customer reward program turns out to be a success, you can even start rewarding customers who refer friends and family members to your business. Host an annual event where you can show appreciation to the customers with the largest amount of points.

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Over to you

Your existing customers are already there and encouraging them to stick around is way easier and cheaper than attracting new ones. It’s all about building strong relationships with your customers and nurturing those relationships as much as possible. Start by employing the five strategies covered in this post and you can be assured people who buy from you will bond with your business and keep coming back. Monitor all your efforts and try to see which of these strategies work the best for you and keep coming up with ways to update them.

For more questions and queries regarding the topic, please feel free to let us know your feedback in the comment section below.

Written By Emma Sumner



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Most business owners constantly look for new ways to attract new customers. Although bringing in more customers is extremely important, it’s not a reason to neglect your existing customers.

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