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Marketing Communication | Integrated Marketing

Marketing communication techniques are tools and methods. That can be used to grow a business, increase sales, and improve brand image. Contrary to what many people think.

Communication is not the same as marketing. But a very valuable part of this discipline that accompanies others, such as branding for example.


Types of marketing communication techniques

It should be borne in mind that marketing communication techniques not only include digital options, but also the more traditional and offline ones.

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Five types of Integrated communication techniques could be distinguished.

1.  Advertising:  It focuses on a product or service, allowing you to create a compelling message that is disseminated through payment channels. To get the best advertising results, it is wise to start by creating a demand for a particular product or service. And promoting its benefits (how it can help the customer) rather than its characteristics (size, weight, power, etc.).

People are more interested in benefits as they seek to satisfy a need. Online advertising using Google or Facebook, among others, can be especially profitable and is a great place to start. If you have a sufficient budget, local newspapers, radio and television stations are an option to consider as well.

2.  Public relations is different from advertising because in this case, the media are not paid for their space or time. However, the company loses some of the total control over the message.

Public relations is one of the most underused marketing communication techniques. And at the same time, it happens to be one of the most valuable out there.

3.  Direct selling is vital to the profitability of the business, and in a way involves the use of a very special type of communication techniques. It is about reaching an agreement about getting a potential customer. To end up becoming a real customer by agreeing to pay a certain amount of euros for a specific product or service.

The key for this communication to achieve its goal of closing sales, is to listen carefully to what the customer says they want. Ask clarifying questions to ensure their need is understood. And then explain how a specific product or service offered could satisfy it .

4.  Promotions include special events and other ways to gain short-term traction, to generate additional interest in the customer’s purchase. Promotions are different from direct sales, as they are a company-wide effort that often involves multiple communication techniques.

January sales a grand opening event or an introductory offer for a special bundle of products or services, are examples of promotions that can generate higher income. Promotions are generally countercyclical. That means they take place at times when sales are typically low.

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5.  Online marketing communication techniques. The peculiarity of the digital medium is that sometimes you have to pay for the media, and other times it is possible to communicate with the public at no cost.

Internet marketing is becoming increasingly important as more and more. People shop online or start their search for a provider of products and services in this environment.

6.  Email marketing, pay-per-click ads and advertising, on social networks are some of the communication techniques most used in recent years. Given the rise of e-commerce and the sophistication of consumers, accustomed to technology.

These are techniques that combine the best of the traditional approach with the advantages of digital marketing and that ensure that communication is more personal, close and transparent than ever. Exactly what current customers expect from your brands.




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