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PaidViewPoint | Quick And Easy Mini-surveys To Earn Money By PaidViewPoint

PaidViewPoint is a page of paid surveys that has been online since 2009, perhaps it is very well known among English-speaking users since the surveys are in English.

How PaidViewPoint works

As in any paid survey page, you will earn money by answering surveys and small questionnaires, but PaidViewPoint has some characteristics that make it special.

First of all, as you progress through the registration process, you will get your first earnings since you will be paid to fill out our profile.

When you have any surveys available, it will show you a warning message in the main menu, almost every day there will be at least one survey available for you to take, so it is advisable to access the platform several times throughout the day.

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Notice of new survey in PaidViewPoint

PaidViewPoint ensures that you will not be kicked out of any polls you have been invited to. Initially, for every survey, you complete you will earn $ 0.03 and around 80-100 TraitScore points (very important)As I said before, it will not take more than a minute to complete the surveys.

What is TraitScore?

The  TraitScore is a value to take into account on this page. This value will reward the most consistent and sincere users. The goal is to reach 9,000 TraitScore points to receive higher remuneration for completing surveys.

Once those 9,000 TraitScore points are reached, they will pay you between $ 0.25 – $ 0.40 to complete surveys in just a couple of minutes.

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Referral system

PaidViewPoint has a good referral system by which you will earn 20% of all the surveys carried out by your referral, this commission will be effective each time he requests a payment.

If you get more than 100 referrals. It will not be necessary for your referral to request a payment to collect the commission. It will be applied as they complete surveys.

Minimum and payment terms

The minimum to request payment will be $ 15 and will be carried out through PayPal. Once you request the payment, you will receive it in 48-72 working hours.




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