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Build Your Personal Branding Online

Professional use the following Step to choose the best social media channels.  Make yourself known and promote your brand with this methods. The key element to do this is knowing your audience. Knowing where they congregate, where they participate the most And knowing the tools and scope that each social network offers to make your personal branding strategy effective.


What are the ways of building your own brand?

Build a good identity: You must choose a striking name, a web domain, a colour structure that identifies you and build a logo that transmits the vision and values ​​of the company. All this is the starting point to design an online brand. You can also build your own website and get more user from around the world.

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Define your target: It is essential that you determine the consumer your strategy will target. All communication, formats, activations and the selection of media must be configured based on this definition.

Generate correct positioning: Good SEO is essential to boost an online business, in this way you will become one of the first options in the organic search results.

Identify differential advantages and communicate them: You must enhance your advantages and communicate them clearly within your content marketing strategy.

Create a shopping experience: The consumer is not just looking for a product; Your shopping experience should be friendly, comfortable and eye-catching, in this way you will create loyalty and increase customer value over time.

Optimize for mobile before desktop: Build your site, application and communication first for mobile, then for other devices.

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Create a blog for your users: Post original and relevant content that attracts prospects.

Cure content: Be concerned about selecting quality information, from relevant sources and that are current.

If possible, incorporate video: They are ideal to boost an online business, since it is the fastest growing format and the one most desired by users.

Consider Inbound Marketing: Invasive advertising annoys users more and more. An inbound strategy will attract them and transform your website into a sales machine.

Boost your presence on social networks: They are an indispensable part for users. If you want to build an online brand, you must have a presence and implement a social media publication calendar.

Perform content sharing: They are a good mechanism to increase inbound links (inbound links). Generate alliances with related companies and exchange items with them. This will show your brand to potential clients in the same industry.

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Be responsive: A responsive design will allow you to display your brand’s website correctly on any device.

Look for influencers: So that your brand image is synonymous with quality, rely on users who are references in your industry. You can offer them a free sample in exchange for a mention.

Use hashtag and trends: In social networks you can associate your brand with concepts using these tags. Check trends on Google Trends.

Implement Facebook Ads: Use the tools provided by Facebook advertising to display targeted ads and remarketing.

Incorporate your business to Google Maps: It will allow users who are in the vicinity to find you.

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If you have an app, you must position it: SEO positioning is no longer limited to generic search engines, but also to directories and application stores.

Automate marketing: Generate flows with mailing to cultivate your clients.

Build a community: Create a space for consumers to engage with your brand online.

Look for recommendations: The testimonials will indicate that your brand is used and that the service or product is reliable. Show the people behind the brand. Humanization is a recognition of the work that allows brands to get where they want to go.

Participate live: Generating a streaming instance will show your customers that the brand has a team and is at the forefront.

Create content frequently: The positioning lies in many elements and the publication of original content is one of the most important to boost an online business.

Constantly check the operation of your platforms: Errors when navigating your site can affect your SEO and of course, the user experience.

Create instances of collaboration and feedback: Many users want to participate by creating content, submitting reviews and giving their points of view.

It delivers something different depending on the type of user: Look for personalization in digital communication and brand campaigns.

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Run remarketing campaigns

  • They will allow to impact again the users who did not specify an action but who visited your site.
  • If your target is niche, generate a presence on specialized sites. So you can build an online brand close to their interests.
  • Use digital analytics tools. Review the results to understand what is happening and make adjustments.
  • It generates security and delivers an excellent service. After-sales is an integral part of the experience when designing an online brand.
  • Use short and direct messages. Complex content can alienate consumers, welcome them with the necessary.
  • Stay informed of new tools and evolve. The digital environment requires constant adaptations and the adoption of new technologies.



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