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Complete Modern Pension Information

Pensions can happen at anytime for people in service, been it governmental, cooperate etc. Example: Old-age pension, seniority pension, dismissal, dispensation, indirect, reversibility.



For employees of the State Police who is entitled to performance .The retirement from office, starting from 1 January 2013. Continues to take place at the maximum age for permanence in service.

As set by the individual regulations and not adequate to the increases in the life expectancy. In the event that upon reaching this age limit the requirements prescribed for the right to early retirement are already met.

In particular if at the fulfilment of the following age limits:

  • 65 years for the general manager.
  • 63 years for the senior executive
  • 60 years for lower qualifications.

The employee has already fulfilled the requirements for the achievement of the retirement pension. The increase envisaged for the adjustment to life expectancy pursuant to article 12, paragraph twelve quarter of law decree no. 78/2010 converted. With amendments with law no. 122/2010 and subsequent amendments and additions.

Conversely, “if the employee reaches the age limit established in relation to the qualification or degree of belonging since 2013 and has not, by that date, already fulfilled the requisites envisaged for the retirement pension. The master data requirement for access upon retirement, it must be increased by 3 months.

The minimum requirement for entitlement to an old-age pension is:

  • 20 years of contributory seniority


State Police employees who cease to serve due to age limits acquire the right to access retirement, after twelve months from the date of accrual of the required requirements.

Employees of the State Police who had already fulfilled the required requirements as of 31/12/2010 are excluded from the application of the aforementioned deferral and therefore from the postponement of retirement.

For those who have completed the requirements after that date, it will be necessary to check whether the application of the “floating window” has already exhausted its effects. (See Circular No. 333 / H / G47 of 07/12/2010).

Therefore in the absence of the requisites for the retirement pension. The employee must extend the service until one of the requisites matures between order limits + 3 months + floating window, Retirement pension + floating window.

Therefore upon reaching the first useful requirement among the two the employee will be put to rest for retirement.



On request, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

A copy of the aforementioned application must be sent to the competent Prefecture – UTG. At least five months before the date of termination.

Employees, close to retirement, who intend to continue to avail of the credit services provided by the social security institution. When requesting the pension, You must request membership in the Credit Fund by highlighting their choice in the appropriate field. Directly in the application form of ordinary pension.



From 1 October 2005 the INPDAP took over the administration of the pensions, from the Central Administration and the peripheral offices (Law no. 335/95, art.2, paragraph 1; INPDAP Circulars 16 December 2004, no. 67 issued by INPDAP and no. 6 of 23 March 2005).

For the news introduced on the pension system for State Police personnel, see circular.

n. 333 / H / G49 of 10 January 2013

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Employees of the State Police who intend to leave the service and who have the requisites of contributory seniority and personal age or of contributory seniority, indicated below:

  1.  57 years and 3 months of age and 35 years of contributory seniority (article 6 , paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 30 April 1997, n 165).
  2. 40 years and 3 months of useful contribution seniority (article 6, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 30 April 1997, n 165).
  3. 53 years and 3 months of age and maximum seniority, as provided for by the membership system (article 6 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 30 April 1997, n 165).

Article 24, paragraph 2 of Law 214 of 2011 provided that the portion of the pension. Corresponding to the contributory seniority accrued starting from 1 January 2012 is calculated with the contribution system.

Consequently, the pension rate accrued as at 31/12/2011 cannot be further increased, given that for the seniority accrued from 1 January 2012 the relative share of pensions.

Is determined with the contribution calculation system, no longer based on the pension rates, Therefore, the requirement of a maximum contribution seniority (rate 80%) must be established on the date of 31/12 / 2011.



The employees of the State Police who mature from 01/01/2013, the requirements of 57 years and 3 months of age and 35 years and of contributory seniority and 53 years and 3 months of age and the maximum contributory seniority.

They acquire the right to commencement of the retirement treatment after twelve months from the date of accrual of the envisaged requirements.

The employees of the State Police who mature starting from 01/01/2013, the requirements of 40 years and 3 months of useful contribution seniority acquire the right to commencement after:

  • 14 months for 2013 (12 months law 122/2010 (floating window) + 2 months law 111/2011)
  • 15 months for 2014 (12 months law 122/2010 + 3 months law 111/2011)

They are excluded from this further deferral of (+ 2 months, + 3 months) the employees of the State Police who have completed the 40 years contribution requirement already in 2011.

For those who have fulfilled the requirements after that date and by 31/12/2012, it will be necessary to verify whether the application of the “floating window” – 12 months + 1 month – has already exhausted its effects.



On request, upon acceptance of the resignation by the competent Office, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in the circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

A copy of the aforementioned application must be sent to the competent Prefecture – UTG, at least five months before the date of termination.

Employees, close to retirement, who intend to continue to avail of the credit services provided by the social security institution, when requesting the pension, must request membership in the Credit Fund by highlighting their choice in the appropriate field, directly in the application form of ordinary pension.

In any case, the pension application cannot be filed earlier than twelve months from the date indicated for access to retirement.



From 1 October 2005, the INPDAP took over the administration of the pensions from the Central Administration and the peripheral offices (Ln 335/95, art.2, paragraph 1; INPDAP Circulars n. 67 of 16 December 2004 and 6 of March 23, 2005).

For the news introduced on the pension system for State Police personnel, see circular. n. 333 / H / G49 of 10 January 2013

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Employees of the State Police, dismissed from the service, acquire the right to the treatment of ordinary retirement at the occurrence of the same requisites of contributory seniority and of personal or retirement age foreseen for retirement pensions. Who is entitled to performance.

EFFECTIVE DATE: The procedures provided for old-age pensions apply.



On request, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • n0. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

A copy of the aforementioned application must be sent to the Pension and Pensions Service.

COMPETENCE and PAYMENT : From 1 October 2005 the INPDAP took over from the Central Administration in the liquidation of the pension treatments . The last place of employment, as soon as it is aware of the dismissal, must inform the interested party that, in order to obtain the provision of retirement treatment, if due, he must submit a specific request as indicated above.




State Police employees who are released from service for infirmity and who have at least 15 years of useful service, including 12 of effective service.

STARTING : From the day following that of the dispensation from the service.



On request, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

A copy of the aforementioned application must be sent to the competent Prefecture – UTG.

Employees who intend to continue to avail of the credit services provided by the social security institution. When requesting the pension, must request membership in the Credit Fund by highlighting their choice in the appropriate field. Directly in the ordinary pension request form.

COMPETENCE and PAYMENT : From 1 October 2005, the Prefectures-UTG took over the liquidation of the pension treatments.

4a. DISABILITY BOARD – art. 2 paragraph 12 L.335 / 1995

State Police employees who are declared incapacitated for any work as a consequence of the onset of infirmities. Not dependent on a service cause and who have a minimum contributory seniority of five years. Which at least three in the five-year period preceding the start of the pension of incapacity.


This seniority cannot be rounded. For the granting of the disability pension, a specific application must be submitted by the interested party.

The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate. Certifying the state of absolute and permanent impossibility to carry out any work activity. Completed according to the scheme of Annex 2 to Ministerial Decree 187/1987 of the Treasury Ministry.

The request must be submitted to the UTG Prefecture responsible for activating. Through the Police Headquarters or the Departments to which it belongs, the necessary health checks.

After ascertaining the state of incapacity and issuing. The provision for termination of the employment relationship for incapacity, for the payment of the pension.

It will be necessary to send the request to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in the circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

In circular no. 37/2012, the INPS specified that the share of pensions referring to seniority contributions, accrued from 1 January 2012 is calculated with the contribution system.

Consequently, for the disability pensions in question with effect from 1 January 2012. The relative increase is calculated according to the rules of the contribution system.

Which is within the limits of an overall contributory seniority of no more than 40 years and referring to the period missing at reaching the age of sixtieth year (article 1, paragraph 15, of law no. 335/1995).

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The survivors of the State Police employee who died on duty in the following order, spouse, children under the age of 18 or students (up to the age of 21 for high school students and 26 years for university students), orphans incapacitated by the employee, parents over the age of 65.

Who are not pensioners and are dependent on the employee, unmarried unmarried brothers and sisters who are incapable of retirement and dependent on the worker.

It is also necessary that the State Police employee has accrued 15 years of contributory seniority or 5 years of contribution. Of which at least 3 in the 5 years preceding the date of death.

STARTING : From the first day of the month following the employee’s death.

DURATION : As long as the subjective conditions required by law to acquire the right persist.

MEASURE : The pension consists of a percentage share of the amount of the direct treatment, related to the core of the survivors.


Percentage odds

Survivors Percentage share to which they are entitled
Spouse 60%
Spouse with an orphan
(60% spouse, 20% orphan)
Spouse with two or more orphans
60% spouse, 40% orphans)
Orphan alone 70%
Two orphans 80%
Three or more orphans 100%
parents 15% each
Brothers and sisters (up to six) 15% each
Brothers and sisters (from seven onwards) 100%


Cumulation of indirect pension with other income

The amounts of survivors’ pensions or indirect pensions are cumulative with the owner’s income within the limit established by table F attached to Law 335 of 1995. The income limits for 2014 are reported.

  • Up to € 19.553.82 100%
  • From € 19.553.83 to € 26.071,76 75%
  • From € 26,071.77 to € 32,589.70 60%
  • Over € 32.589,70 50%

The cumulative limits of Table F do not apply in the presence of minor orphans, students or disabled people.



At the request of the heirs or survivors, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in the circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013

A copy of the aforementioned application must be sent to the competent Prefecture – UTG.



From 1 October 2005 the INPDAP took over the competent prefectures – UTG in the liquidation of the pension treatments .

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The survivors of the State Police employee who died after retirement and who is a pensioner in the following order – spouse, children under the age of 18 or students (up to the age of 21 for high school students) and of the 26th year for university students), orphans incapacitated by the employee, parents over the age of 65.

Who are not pensioners and are dependent on the employee, unmarried brothers and unmarried sisters who are incapable of pension and paid by the worker.

STARTING : from the first day of the month following the employee’s death.

DURATION : as long as the subjective conditions required by law to acquire the right persist.


The pension consists of a percentage share of the amount of the direct treatment, related to the core of the survivors.


Percentage odds

Survivors Percentage share to which they are entitled
Spouse 60%
Spouse with an orphan
(60% spouse, 20% orphan)
Spouse with two or more orphans
60% spouse, 40% orphans)
Orphan alone 70%
Two orphans 80%
Three or more orphans 100%
parents 15% each
Brothers and sisters (up to six) 15% each
Brothers and sisters (from seven onwards) 100%


Cumulation of survivor’s pension with other income

The amounts of survivors pension’s or indirect pensions can be combined with the holder’s income within the limit established by table F attached to Law 335 of 1995. The income limits for 2014 are reported .

Up to € 19.553,82 100%

From € 19,553.83 to € 26,071.76 75%,

From € 26,071.77 to € 32,589.70 60%

Over € 32.589,70 50%

The cumulative limits of Table F do not apply in the presence of minor orphans, students or disabled people.



At the request of the heirs or survivors, to be sent to INPS Management of public employees according to the methods indicated in the circulars

  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 5 December 2012
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of February 12, 2013
  • no. 333 / H / N18 ter of 11 April 2013




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