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Nurses Aide Registry | Assistant Guide

The Nurses aide registry, A assistant guide and also to take a record of information of their patients and medical field activities. Nursing assistants are rewarding jobs for working with patients as a member of the nursing team. Without special qualifications or experience.

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Unlike nurses and associate nurses, they cannot engage in medical activities, but they are indispensable in the medical field, such as supporting nurses and taking Care of patients. Then, what kind of work will you be specifically entrusted with?

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The work contents of a nursing assistant.
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What is a nursing assistant?

Nursing assistants work to play an auxiliary role for nurses in medical settings such as hospitals and clinics. Since he does not have a national qualification like a nurse, he cannot perform medical procedures such as blood sampling or injection.

Much of the work is done under the direction of a nurse. Since the work contents include the care and care of the inpatient’s surroundings, some people say that they work by making the most of their nursing care qualifications and home helper experience.

Due to the shortage of nurses and associate nurses in the medical field. And even inexperienced people without special qualifications can work. People of a wide range of ages such as students and housewives can be used as nursing assistants in the medical field. Playing an active part.

Nursing assistant’s workplace

Nursing assistants work at medical institutions. We work in a general ward, medical care ward, chronic ward, acute ward, outpatient department, operating room, visiting a nursing station, etc. At the hospital, nursing assistants have night shifts just like nurses.

A hospital is a medical institution with more than 20 beds, and takes care of inpatients in a 24-hour shift. On the other hand, a medical institution with 19 or fewer beds is called a “clinic”.

Nursing assistants generally work in a shift system. However, even in the clinic, if you have an inpatient ward. You may have night shifts, so be sure to check in advance whether you have night shifts or benefits.


Main work contents of nursing assistant

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Nursing assistant Nursing motivation Hospital Medical column Part-time job employment, job information town work. The work content of a nursing assistant varies depending on the hospital. So it is necessary to confirm the job offer information in advance.

A typical job is to care for the patient and support the nurse. We will perform environment maintenance such as changing bed sheets and cleaning around the bed. Helping the patient to prepare meals, prepare the meal, and change clothes.

Nursing assistants also assist with meals, bathing, excretion, changing diapers, and attending examinations.

Bedridden patients also need to change their position every few hours to prevent bedsores. Also, for patients who are worried about walking. We will help them to move by watching them not to fall or pushing a wheelchair.

On the other hand, as a nurse’s support work. It also plays a role as a messenger that reports messages from nurses and test results to other departments and outpatients. Including helping with medical examinations and recording of nursing work.

There are also tasks such as cleaning the hospital, disinfecting medical equipment, equipment management, and contacting the patient’s family. In a small medical institution such as a clinic (clinic), it also handles the reception work.

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Nursing assistant’s charm and difficult points

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A nursing assistant who is indispensable in the medical field, by supporting the work of nurses and taking care of patients. Before applying for a Nursing Assistant job, check out the attractiveness and difficulties of your job.


Nursing assistant attraction

One of the big attractions is that you can work as a member of the nursing team without having a national qualification or working experience in the medical field.

While supporting nurses in the medical field, you can expect that you will gradually gain knowledge about medical care and nursing care. Such as the types of drugs and how to use hygiene materials.

For this reason, some nursing assistants have gained experience and aim to step up to associate nurses and caregivers. Also, taking care of the surroundings of patients who are hospitalized. Often makes them grateful and dependable, on the patients themselves and their families, which makes this a rewarding job.

For patients, they are close to each other for a long time and are encouraging to be able to confide their anxieties and worries about treatment. It can be said to be fulfilling work for those who want to help others and who are considerate.


Is a nursing assistant’s the hard part?

One of the difficult points is that there is a lot of assistance work for patients such as eating and bathing. If a person who is unfamiliar with helping care works as a nursing assistant. He/she may have difficulty in excretory care or exchanging diapers.

Nursing assistants also perform a lot of chores such as cleaning and equipment management because the nurses do tasks that the nurses cannot handle.

Nurses may be wary of the slightest feeling of relaxation in the medical setting, which can lead to major mistakes. You must read the recruitment information carefully. And check any unclear points at the time of the interview, so that you will not be “working but different from what you envisioned.”

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Examples of motivation for nursing assistant

  • Nursing assistant,
  • Nursing motivation,
  • Hospital Medical work,
  • Part-time job employment,
  • Job information work.


One of the most important points in the resume is for recruiters to be the motivation to apply. Then, what kind of motivation should I write when applying for a nursing assistant?

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1. Aspirational motive

I was hospitalized as a child. At that time, I am very grateful to the nurses and assistant nurses who felt, encouraged, and encouraged my anxiety in the hospital.

As a nursing assistant, I also wanted to treat patients in the same way and to help alleviate my anxiety, so I applied for a job offer at your hospital. I want to work for a long time because your inn is close to my home and it is easy to go to.


2. Motivation

Your inn is close to your home, and when you feel sick, we take care of you. What I feel every time I visit the hospital is that the staff members are smiling and working hard. Especially, I feel that the polite response to the elderly is wonderful.

As a member of your hospital’s medical team, I also wanted to help with nursing that is close to patients, so I applied for a job. We would like to become a nursing assistant needed by not only patients but also doctors and nurses at your hospital.


Responsibility and responsibility of a nursing assistant working at the scene of life

Nursing assistants work closely with patients. For this reason, people who are good candidates can be people who have communication skills, people who like to help others, people who care, people who have a strong sense of responsibility, and motivated people.

Since many of us are in charge of paperwork, being able to operate a PC is also an essential item. Nursing assistants cannot perform direct medical care. But they are the same as doctors and nurses. In that workplace is a medical field that affects the lives of people.

It is attractive and rewarding. But at the same time, it is important to work with the awareness that it is a job with great responsibility.



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