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Say ‘NO’ To Demineralisation – 11 Ways for Remineralising Your Teeth

Tooth enamel, dentin and bone are made up of essential minerals like phosphate and calcium. Enamel is also significant in protecting the teeth from subsequent cavities, infection and decay and protects it from getting exposed directly to any component. Minerals start eroding from the teeth’s surface with aging.

However, consumption of acidic and sugary foods can speed up the erosion process. Once teeth bone and enamel gets eroded completely it becomes impossible to restore them without full tooth replacement. Fortunately, there are certain ways by which these minerals can be replenished.

You have to follow some efficient home remedies and bring a few changes in your lifestyle before it gets much late. Although a dental hygienist can assist you to restore the tooth mineral but these two conditions remain in consistent flux so you have to go with the home remedies to retain remineralisation in the long run.

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Check out here how you can promote remineralisation in most effective 11 ways.

  1. Brush the teeth regularly

Brush the teeth daily 2 times a day to remove the bacteria. Dental caries also known as tooth cavities are mainly caused due to the deposition and hosting of Streptococcus mutans bacteria into your mouth. These bacterial makes use of drink and food to get transmitted into the mouth. Daily brushing can protect your teeth from cavities and mineral loss by eliminating the bacteria from your mouth completely.

  1. Make use of Fluoride Toothpaste

There is no toothpaste which can prevent demineralisation. However ADA (American Dental Association) states that fluoride contained toothpaste is to some extent effective against demineralisation. It prevents the teeth from decaying while strengthening its root at the same time. As a result, your teeth become less prone to mineral loss in the near future but you have to continue using the toothpaste in the long haul.

  1. Avoid intake of sugar

Sugar intake should be cut off or limited for the sake of the overall health. It is extremely acidic in nature and influences the bacteria to invade the dental health and break down its enamel completely.

Also a study discloses that high frequency of sugar consumption accelerates the rate of demineralisation in contrary to sugar consumption amount. So, you have to stop the intake of sugar regularly but you can relish occasional sugary desserts sometimes.

  1. Chew sugar-free gum

For over the past few decades, the debate for the function of gum continues and it is evident that it encourages remineralisation of the teeth. Keep your gum sugar-free so that it can remove carbs, plaque and sugar from the teeth. Furthermore, it has a pivotal role to play for allowing the salivary glands in producing saliva in right amount.

It acts as the shield against mineral loss of the teeth. Sorbitol and Xylitol are the most effective sugarless ingredients to use. Chew sugarless gums between or after your meal to achieve its remineralising benefits fully.

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  1. Consume moderate fruit juices and fruits

Typically, fruit is the inevitable part of a healthy diet but at the same time it is highly acidic in nature. Such culprits are obviously some citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. The acids contained in the fruits commence calcium chelation procedure on the enamel of the teeth.

Gradually it engulfs the calcium and strips it off completely over the teeth making it fully exposed. Even more worse is the fruit juices as these are not only highly acidic but also loaded with added sugars. So, it is highly recommended to stay far away from fruit juices and enjoy citrus fruits occasionally.

  1. Intake more vitamins and calcium

Calcium is generated in the body and teeth naturally. But over time this crucial mineral gets stripped off by the bacteria and acids. Hence, you should continue the consumption of calcium-rich foods. Even, effects of sugar intake can be counteracted by calcium-contained cheese.

If you are on a diet with low calcium then consult with the doctor for alternative supplements. Cavities can be fought bravely by the high intake of Vitamin-D supplements. Discuss with your doctor regarding daily multivitamin which you can consume for a good oral and dental health.

  1. Limit the consumption of dairy product

Although dairy products are great source of calcium yet lactose-rich milk heightens the acidic nature of the mouth as it is a sugar kind. However, calcium benefits can be still reaped by switching to lactose-free milk or any milk-like alternative such as soy or almond milk.

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  1. Consider probiotics

Probiotics should be taken into account for remineralisation. It boosts the naturally-occurring strains in the mouth which can replace the bad bacteria by the good ones without influencing any harmful strains.

Some probiotics which help in remineralisation and improve oral health are;

  • salivarius

  • rhamnosus

  • reuteri

  • bifidobacterium

Several branded yogurts and supplements are found in the market rich in probiotics. You have to consume these on a daily basis to achieve best outcome.

  1. Take dry mouth into account

Deficiency in the production of saliva can result in the occurrence of dry mouth. Besides keeping the mouth comfortable it plays an integral role to combat against cavities, bacterial and plaque build-up. Also a study reveals it is significant for remineralisation as it contains both calcium and phosphate.

Visit your dentist immediately if you experience dry mouth to seek help to promote its production by any recommended rinses and chewing gums which promote its activity as well.

  1. Lessen the quantity of starchy foods

Certain starchy foods like bread, rice and potatoes are rich in simple carbs that heighten the fermentable sugar amount in mouth causing teeth erosion. As per a source, the probability of tooth decay gets triggered with the consumption of starchy foods loaded with sugar content. That’s why avoid consuming sweetened potatoes not plain rice.


  1. Drink plenty of water

Water always remains the preferred beverage by doctors, dentists and nutritionists due to its variety of impeccable benefits. Apart from naturally sugar-free it plays a vital role in eliminating the harmful components from your body as well. Demineralisation can be resisted to some extent by rinsing off the mouth with plain water when you are not using toothbrush.

This technique should be followed especially after having sugary or acidic foods. In other beverages coffee and tea also remineralise the teeth to some height. Adding sugar cubes in a cup of cappuccino or tea makes it completely acidic which declines the oral health badly. Also, limit the consumption of sodas as it is rich in sugar and acidic in nature.


Loss of mineral is an inevitable issue cause by the teeth exposure to some harmful elements on a daily basis. It ranges from drinks to food, bacteria to saliva your teeth undergo a lot! Although remineralisation takes some time excessive demineralisation can wear down the teeth completely.

Apart from ensuring mineralising, you should, visit any clinic of dental hygiene in London. The hygienist will advise some pro tips to ensure a proper dental health in the long run.

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