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Technology Replacing Human Jobs

What is Technology Replacing Human Jobs?

This is when a machine (robot) is taking over a human job by increasing the rate of production, cost reduction and making it easy and faster.


What is the effect of replacing human job with technology or AI?

This means the improvement in technology will be unfavourable to human, this will affect wages and lots of people will be left unemployed.


What are some of the impacts of replacing human job with technology?

This means that robots and other automated machines complete task, even faster than human workers. Technology has a positive productivity effect in making the task easier to complete or creating new opportunities and task for workers.


Can technology or AI replace human jobs?

It is well known that artificial intelligence or modern technology will operate side by side with the human in the workplace, not take their jobs completely.


Ways Technology Is Replacing Traditional Jobs?

There are lots of things going on starting with technology replacing traditional jobs. Advanced technology has a high effect on low-paying jobs that do not require a certificate ( college degree).  these are the types of jobs that technology has replaced.

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What is Self-checkout?

Self-checkouts is an automated process that allows shoppers to scan, bag and pay automatically without human intervention. Self-checkout (SCOs) or assisted checkouts (ACOs) or self-service checkouts, these are the machine that provides a fast and smooth system for customer to complete their very own transaction from the retailer.

The reason why this effect human jobs is that where ten workers would have worked as soon as those workers are been replace by machine, one store employee can control multiple self-checkout machines.


Mobile banking and Automated teller machine(ATM)

What is mobile banking?

Mobile banking is the act of performing financial transactions and other activity on smart mobile devices. Mobile banking technology is distance reducing instead of getting tellers as it is very easy for people to handle their own banking task independent of bank branches.

What is an automated teller machine?

Automated teller machine is an electronic device that salves as an electronic banking outlet. These allow bank customers to process and complete a basic transaction.

ATM has put countless bank tellers out of work. This means coming technology known as enhanced ATMs is increasing rapidly in the financial system.


Automated Bridge Toll Collectors

In the past, when commuters crossed a toll bridge, there was usually a person in the toll bridge to collect money and issue them a receipt. The current example of this within the UK referred to as the Dartford Crossing, which is east of London.

Rather than paying at the bridge as commuters want to, officials have designated a replacement payment system referred to as “Dart Charge” which the drivers must use. Going forward, commuters will need to make Dart Charge payments online, by phone or by mail.


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Unmanned Factories

Robots are performing increasing numbers of tasks that humans within the manufacturing industry want to do. In some cases, this is often making humans’ factory jobs more efficient.

In others cases, robots are completely replacing human factory workers and decimating the numbers of jobs available. Few telephone manufacturer in China that has been ready to replace 90 per cent of their human workers with robots.

They only need 60 humans to supervise the robots that are now performing the work. They expect to further reduce their headcount to only 20 human workers within the future.


Cloud-Based Accounting Software

Many cloud-based accounting software programs offer automated technologies like automated bank reconciliation. This makes the method of bookkeeping faster and more efficient than it’s been in the past.

As companies adopt these technologies, they require fewer bookkeepers and accounting clerks. BLS experts expect to ascertain these workers transition from manual data entry roles into positions that need more expertise with analysing their clients’ finances and advising them on the way to spend their resources more efficiently.

These aren’t the sole jobs that robots are replacing. Even more sorts of jobs are in danger for replacement or consolidation within the future. this is often warning call to both high school students and current workers.

High school students got to give serious thought to their future career paths after graduation, it might be silly to waste time applying for jobs that are destined for extinction.

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Likewise, it might be an enormous waste of resources to coach for a career that robots are taking upthose that are currently employed will need to learn new skills if their jobs are in danger of elimination by automation technology.

To urge and remain employed, humans will all need to become far more educated about the ways technology is replacing traditional jobs.

The world is changing, things are happening, the way technology has changed many things. This is the reason why many people should learn from what is happening and change the way they approach the things they do.

To create a better future for you and your family you have to know what is best and will be profitable for you. 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots by 2030, according to analysis firm Oxford Economics.


1. Definition of unemployment.
2. Types of unemployment.
3. Causes of unemployment.
4. Technological Revolution.
5. Human replacement with machines.
6. The Advantage of human replacement with machines
7. The disadvantage of human replacement with machines.
8. The Reasons why people should study science and creative technology.


Definition of unemployment

Unemployment is a situation where employable individuals and skid, seeking a job at unable to find a job. Further explanation, it is those people in the workforce who are available for work who does not have a job.

A lot of people went to school hoping to get a job to help themselves and their family but unable to find a job or even to fetch for themselves, this is what makes unemployment a major problem in society.images 38638233080612944281. Technology Replacing Human Jobs

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Types of unemployment

1. Real unemployment.

Real unemployment is not the type of unemployment, it’s a term that you need to understand. People argue that instead of the “official” unemployment rate, we should use an alternate rate calculated by the Bureau of Labour Statistics.images 15865996907082942329. Technology Replacing Human Jobs

2. Seasonal Unemployment.

Some sources include seasonal unemployment as another type of unemployment. It is part of natural unemployment.
Like its name suggests seasonal unemployment results from regular changes in the season.

Workers affected by seasonal unemployment include resort workers, ski instructors, and ice cream, vendors. It could also include people who harvest crops.

3. Classical Unemployment.

Classical unemployment is also known as “real wage unemployment” or “induced unemployment.” It’s when wages are higher than the laws of supply and demand would normally dictate.

4. Underemployment.

Underemployed workers have jobs, but they aren’t working to their full capacity or skill level. This includes those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time jobs and those who are working in jobs where they aren’t being utilized.

Underemployment is often caused by cyclical unemployment. During a recession, underemployed workers will take what they can to make ends meet. Some definitions of underemployment include unemployment.

Others include segments of society that are not included in the standard definition of unemployment but are counted in the real unemployment rate. Awareness of underemployment helps you understand the big picture of unemployment.

5. Long-Term Unemployment.

Long-term unemployment occurs for those actively looking for a job for over 27 weeks. The effects are devastating. Many employers overlook someone who’s been looking for that long. The emotional and financial costs can be very damaging.

Sadly, a higher percentage of the unemployed fall into this category than before the financial crisis or in prior recessions.

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6. Natural Unemployment.

There will always be some level of unemployment, even in a healthy economy.

7. Frictional Unemployment.

Frictional unemployment occurs when workers leave their old jobs but haven’t yet found new ones. Most of the time workers leave voluntarily, either because they need to move, or they’ve saved up enough money to allow them to look for a better job.

Frictional unemployment also occurs when students are looking for that first job or when mothers are returning to the workforce. It also happens when workers are fired or, in some cases, laid off due to business-specific reasons, such as a plant closure.

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8. Structural Unemployment.

Structural unemployment exists when shifts occur in the economy that creates a mismatch between the skills workers have and the skills needed by employers. An example of this is an industry’s replacement of machinery workers with robots.

Workers now need to learn how to manage the robots that replaced them. Those that don’t learn need retraining for other jobs or face long-term structural unemployment.

9. Cyclical Unemployment.

Cyclical unemployment is not part of the natural unemployment rate. It’s caused by the contraction phase of the business cycle. That’s when demand for goods and services fall dramatically, forcing businesses to lay off large numbers of workers to cut costs.

Cyclical unemployment tends to create more unemployment. This is because the laid-off workers have less money to buy the goods and services they need, further lowering logo final alt73528891948140250924 Technology Replacing Human Jobs

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What are the Causes of unemployment?

Unemployment is caused by various reasons that come from both the demand side, or employer, and the supply side, or the worker. From the demand side, unemployment may be caused by high-interest rates, global recession, and financial crisis.

From the supply side, frictional unemployment and structural employment play a great role.


Technological revolution.march for science1589133797675401548 Technology Replacing Human Jobs

The world is the throes of a technological revolution. That differs from the periodic waves of technical change that have marked the progress of industrial society since its origins 200 years ago.

A shift is occurring in the social or technological paradigm that underlies our current sophisticated industrial structure. This old paradigm consists of the mass production of essentially standardized goods in ever-larger units.

An emphasis on quantitative goals for production, requiring ever higher inputs of capital, energy, and raw materials to produce more and more; and little attention to environmental impact, resource use, and conservation issues.images 46687819743211857872. Technology Replacing Human Jobs

Human replacement with machines.

Robots will replace humans for many jobs, just as innovative farming equipment replaced humans and horses during the industrial revolution. We all know the story, it’s something we’ve heard pretty often in the last couple of years.

Robots are taking over, machines will be the new workforce, humans will have to find something else to do. As technological capabilities have grown, so have their power to replace us.

No longer are qualified, human candidates your only competition for the full-time job you seek. Instead, you are competing against the ever-growing power of technology.

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What are the advantage of replacing human with machines?

Machinery has harnessed the forces of nature in the service of man. Man can fly in the air; he can send messages thousands of miles away; he generates electricity from waterfalls. All this he has done with the aid of machinery.

For such jobs, the use of machinery is indispensable. Tasks that are too heavy or too delicate for human muscles to do can be done easily by a machine. A crane can lift loads which man never can. green tea bag packing machine 500x5004929691452108689455 Technology Replacing Human Jobs

What are the disadvantage of human replacement with the machine?

Machinery has not proved to be an unmixed blessing. The craftsman with the superior skill had disappeared. Such skill is no longer necessary. The man who made the Dacca muslin has now only to look after the running of a machine.

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The reason why people should study computer and technology.

The craftsman with the superior skill had disappeared. Such skill is no longer necessary. The man who made the Dacca muslin has now only to look after the running of a machine. Computer scientists are in demand and their salaries reflect.

Every industry uses computers so naturally computer scientists can work in any. Problems in science, engineering, health care, and so many other areas can be solved by computers. It’s up to the computer scientist to figure out how and design the software to apply the solution.

Computer science departments typically benefit from having one of the more culturally diverse cohorts at their respective units. According to data, almost 20,000 computer science students come from overseas.



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