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The Importance of Proper Breathing during Running

Why is Proper Breathing Important for Runners?

Exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system are an everyday activity nowadays. Daily or weekly jogs and occasional fitness runs all count as running drills. These running exercises require a set of other beforehand activities that should not be overlooked if you need your practice to be productive.

The best-known activity is the pre-run warm-up, popularly called stretching out. It has been a physiological need to stretch out before running. Breathing exercises that are meant for running workouts are just as important. They enable a person to breathe and ventilate better while exercising. Just like a warm-up, the running exercises are critical and benefit all the athletes. It is easy to work on them. Besides, once your body gets accustomed, the exercise feels less strenuous than it was at first, as well as the proper sport equipment makes your training even easier. There is no particular breathing technique for running, but there are recommendations for improving your ventilation during a running exercise. We shall examine some adjustments that can help you with your breathing skills while running.

Breathing Running Techniques

There are different types of breathing, all of which hinge on the activity level that a person is doing. During jogging, for instance, a person can alternate from slow inhalation to strenuous respiration. There are usually 3 types of breathing techniques during a running exercise.

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  • Nose Breathing

When running at a slow pace, only a little energy is being used up by the muscles. The body’s oxygen requirement for energy generation is still low. As a consequence, the ventilation requirements of the body are still at a minimum. At this level of activity, the breathing nose while running is the key site of respiration. It is sufficient to sustain the supply of oxygen at that level of activity. This is always the case unless you have nasal blockage or congestion. Breathing running exercises through the nose are vital in maintaining the nostrils patent and clear of congestion.

  • Breathing through the Mouth

This occurs at advanced stages of exercise. It is the most common breathing technique for running. Breathing through the mouth is a physiological reflex that allows the lungs to draw in air faster and more volumes than through the nose. The mouth, as an air passage, offers less resistance to airflow than the nose. Therefore, although the air breathed through the mouth is not cleansed or humidified compared to air through the nose, it flows in larger volumes sufficient for the body’s needs. The rate of respiration significantly increases as this breathing technique for running comes into effect. Breathing through the mouth is an essential skill for you to control inhalation during jogging.

  • Belly Breathing while Running

The ultimate breathing running technique is belly breathing. Belly breathing is crucial for those who undergo vigorous physical exercise. During such an exercise, the body metabolizes and uses up a lot of energy. The demand for oxygen rises exponentially, and the rate of respiration has to escalate as well. The abdominal muscles are therefore used as accessory muscles of respiration. They supplement the first two techniques of inhalation. The mouse and nose breathing techniques cannot sustain the air requirements during vigorous exercise. Belly breathing brings an additional technique that goes together with the running breathing frequency. Moreover, it is a great skill to train yourself if you want to control breathing during running. 

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Benefits of Proper Breathing

Proper inhalation is essential for successful running. The breakdown of glucose or other food particles to yield energy for running requires oxygen. This oxygen is absorbed from the air we breathe in the lungs and transported to the muscles, where it is used up. Proper breathing enables the body to get a continuous supply of oxygen for the complete combustion to yield energy. Moreover, it clears the air passages from the nostrils to the trachea of any congestion that may be imminent. Exercising proper inhalation is a good way of managing nasal and throat congestion.

Proper inhalation during a jog also helps in building up your physique. Using the abdominal muscles in belly breathing exercises them and breaks down the fatty tissue. This effectively improves the muscle-fat ratio and gives you a more lean body. For a well-trained person in respiration running skills, the running breathing cadence is better tuned. Such people will have a better result when they run than people without skills. They can run for longer, faster, and harness more energy than those who do not train. Running diaphragm breathing is one of the skills that well-trained athletes have mastered. It takes the load off the chest and uses the diaphragm for respiration more than before. This exercise gives a better result during the running exercise.

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Effects of Inappropriate Breathing

Inappropriate inhalation while running can have very dangerous precedence. When a person is not respiring correctly, the body’s physiological demands are not met by the respiratory rate. Failure to meet the body muscles’ oxygen demands forces them to shift from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. This means that the breakdown of molecules will be done, however, without the oxygen. The result is that anaerobic respiration yields lactic acid. Accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles leads to faster fatigue and eventual muscle cramps. 

Therefore, the importance of proper breathing during running cannot be sufficiently underlined. The use of abdominal muscles for belly breathing while running is the most effective technique in maintaining a sufficient air supply to the lungs. It is a simple skill that one can apply without being taught much. 


Many people are now focusing on jogging to strengthen their cardiovascular systems. However, it has become apparent that most of them do not know how breathing affects running. Better results need to consider the important aspects of running skills that affect the output. Running breathing cadence is one of the gifts. This is barely achievable while running breathing mouth or nose. It is a skill set that you should train yourself on, especially now that you have mastered the art of breathing while running. Use of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm will give you better results than you anticipated. And for starters, you can try the techniques before you go out and run yourself dry in front of everyone.

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Author’s bio:

The article was written by Thomas Nemel. He is an enthusiastic writer, a passionate runner, and a car lover. Thomas also loves writing articles about travel, cars, and wellness. His goal is to inspire other people to live healthy lives.


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