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My New 7 Days GM Diet Plan

My new 7 days gm diet plan Will help you reach your ideal weight, dramatically improve your health and gain energy naturally. This diet plan is different from any other diet you have ever done.katherine natalia drinking a green thickie 200x3005061447414734311317 My New 7 Days GM Diet Plan

Why? Because it incorporates my invention the Green Thickie which is a full meal Green Smoothie. Have you heard how green smoothies help you to easily eat more fruit and leafy green goodness? They do wonders for your health.

I’ve been drinking them for years and they are my secret weapon to sustained weight loss and vibrant health.
This Green Thickie is a meal replacement green smoothie. Which ensures you get enough energy to keep you going until your next meal.

And since I started sharing my recipes with you. People keep asking me to help them figure out what else. They eat their other meals so they can lose weight too.

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I created the Green Thickie to help me lose my baby weight. And it worked. It wanted a healthy breakfast that was quick to make, and quick to eat as I was too busy to sit down for a proper breakfast after I had kids.

The Green Thickie is the perfect healthy meal for extremely busy people who are always on the go. So, now I have incorporated Green Thickies into a full diet plan to provide everything you need so you can also lose weight and improve your health while limiting the amount of time you spend in the kitchen.

Green Thickies 7 day gm diet planI am giving you a calorie counted healthy meal plan with full recipes, essential information, shopping lists and everything you need for the entire week.

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You don’t have to buy any supplements, products or speciality foods. This meal plan is all based around normal ingredients that you can buy at your local store.

My diet is not only delicious, but it will also meet all your nutritional needs from easy to find foods. But I didn’t stop there.

I made it better than anything else out thereby providing you with my secrets for losing weight and keeping the weight off after you have completed the diet.

It gives you easy templates for creating your own healthy meals that will help you to continue to lose weight once the week is finished. I also share my strategies for staying motivated to lose weight in the long term.

One of my core principles is to prepare meals in the easiest and healthiest way possible which is what makes my recipes so popular. I have applied the same principals to all meals in this book.

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I don’t know about you, but if you’re anything like me you’ll have tried every diet system out there trying to either lose a lot of weight or the last few annoying pounds.



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